Hazrat khadija ky bary my essay
Hazrat Khadijara was born to a noble and wealthy family. Her father, Khuwaylid ibn Asad, was a merchant. After his demise she took over the family’s business and earned distinction within the Quraish for her fair dealings and piety which gained her the name of Tahira, the pure one.
Even before the advent of Islam, she was renowned for distributing riches to the destitute, generously spending on the needy, financially assisting her relatives and providing women with dowries for their marriages. Unlike her own people, she never believed in, nor worshipped idols. She married twice before the Holy Prophetsa; first to Atiq bin Aidh bin Abdullah and later to Abu Hala bin Al Nabbash; both of her husbands passed away during the earlier years of her life. By the time she married the Holy Prophetsa, she was 40 years old.