English, asked by babakoka048, 3 months ago

hazrat muhammad s a w the model of tolerance summary​


Answered by ridhimavats7asdpsmzn


Prophet Muhammad was not an exception. Allah bestowed on him the best of characters, one of which was his exceptional tolerance which is manifested in his life and teachings: We will examine some examples of his tolerance at the advent of Islam and during its expansion process. In the next article, we will examine his treatment of non-Muslims.

In Mecca

During the first thirteen years of his life in Mecca, he and his followers faced much persecution. Muslims were not ordered by Allah to fight back due to the fact that they had no military strength yet due to the small following which gradually increased. It was only in Medina when his following and military power rapidly grew that fighting to protect themselves and the new religion was allowed.

When the Prophet’s opponents greatly increased their persecution, his companions asked him to curse them. At this the Prophet replied: His opponents continued to treat him and his companions unjustly and cruelly, but he always prayed for them.

He once decided to personally visit the village of Ta’if, to the east of Mecca, to invite its inhabitants to Islam. The people rejected him, stoned him, ejected him, and made him to bleed. Angel Gabriel came to him and said, “Allah has heard your people’s saying to you and how they have replied. Allah has sent the Angel of the Mountains to you that you may order him to do whatever you wish to these people.” The Angel of the Mountains greeted him, and said, “O Muhammad, order what you wish. If you like, I will let the mountains fall on them.” The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: In the early Meccan period when the enemies of the new religion far exceeded the Prophet’s companions in number, it often happened that when the Prophet would stand to pray, his foes would come near him and whistle and clap in order to disturb him, but the Prophet would not even once show his anger at such acts. He always opted for the policy of tolerance and avoidance of confrontation.

In one instance when the Prophet was praying at the Ka’bah while his enemies were watching his every move and action, one of his adversaries put on his back the intestine of a slaughtered camel during his prostration. The Prophet did not react and stayed in that position. His daughter, Fatimah, rushed to take the filth off his back and cleaned him up.

In Medina

Later, when Prophet Muhammad and many of his companions migrated to Medina, again his great character in dealing with his companions and enemies was further manifested. In Medina, the Muslims were in the process of establishing the new Islamic state. Yet, their enemies in Mecca did not spare much time to wage war against them and pursue them even in Medina.

In the battle of Uhud, when his Makkan enemies attacked the Muslims, Prophet Muhammad suffered head injury and his front teeth got smashed. When the blood started to seep from his head, he swabbed it saying, “If a drop of my blood fell on the earth, those disbelievers will be destroyed by Allah.” Umar told him, “O Messenger of Allah, Curse them!” The Prophet, peace be upon him, replied: And he also said: Allah confirms his blessed character by saying: The Prophet, peace be upon him, once said: He manifested these words with action and was not fast to revenge or rebuke a wrong doer. A Bedouin once entered the mosque and started to urinate in it. Mosques at that time had no walls and carpeted floors and the ceilings were palm leaves held up by palm stems. The people ran to prevent and restrain him. The Prophet, peace be upon him, asked for a pitcher of water to be poured over the place of urine, and he said: One of the famous sayings of Jesus, peace be upon him, is: Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, complimented this by saying: This includes tolerance for actions they may do that is not pleasing to one.

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