HCF HCF of 11 and 44
Given: The numbers are.
We have to find the HCF of the above numbers.
We are solving in the following way:
We have,
The numbers are.
The factors of the above numbers are:
The factors of are:
The factors of are:
As we know that the greatest common divisor of two or more integers, which are not all zero, is the largest positive integer that divides each of the integers.
Therefore, the greatest common factor is 11.
Hence, the HCF of is.
In context to question asked,
We have to determine the HCF of given number.
As per question,
We have, numbers - 11 and 44
As we know that,
HCF of two or more number are that particular number which is highest number which is also a common factor of all the given number.
So, for determining the HCF of given number we will use prime factorization method.
Hence, Prime factorization of given number will be,
Hence, HCF of the given number will be 11