hdvjabx jzbsbsuxsbbajzuvxnJzybsmzixbanajzv a
H: My name is (name) and I'm a student of (class). I possess a great interest in co curricular activities besides being proficient in my studies.
I: Why do you think you are the right choice for the post of a head boy.
H: I believe that I possess every single quality that a good head boy should have. I have never let anything ruin my performance. Apart from this, my juniors also look up to me which motivates them to work hard.
I: Thanks for the application. You will get the results soon.
H: Sure! Thanks Sir! Regards.
H: My name is (name) and I'm a student of (class). I possess a great interest in co curricular activities besides being proficient in my studies.
I: Why do you think you are the right choice for the post of a head boy.
H: I believe that I possess every single quality that a good head boy should have. I have never let anything ruin my performance. Apart from this, my juniors also look up to me which motivates them to work hard.
I: Thanks for the application. You will get the results soon.
H: Sure! Thanks Sir! Regards.