Math, asked by kushwahanitin288, 10 months ago

He greatest common divisor of two numbers a and b is 22. The least common multiple

of a and b is 2002, if a has fewer divisors b, what is a + b?


Answered by PADMINI
Answer :  \bold{A + B = 440}

Explanation -

GCD = 22

So, A = 22x and. B = 22y

LCM = 2002

So, 22xy = 2002

xy = 2002/22

xy = 91

xy = 7 * 13.

x = 7

y = 13.

Finding the Value of numbers -

A = 22x = 22(7) = 154

B = 22y = 22(13) = 286

Finding the Sum -

A + B = 154 + 286 = 440


Answer : A + B = 440

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