English, asked by enapanuripunitha, 1 year ago

He is a tactful person as he knew exactly how to convince Mrs. pumphrey to hospitalise tricking for a surgery. His decision to inform Mrs. pumphery to collect tricki supports his sensibilities even though he was tempted to keep tricki as a permanent guest. can I get meaning of this paragraph please ​


Answered by Anonymous


In the given passage; he is referred to doctor James Herriot. He was a kind and compassionate doctor . He showed his skills almost immediately by treating Tricki.

In the given paragraph it's said that he knew how he could convince the mistress of the dog; Mrs. Pumphery. He knew that Tricki, the dog couldn't be cured if he stayed with his mistress.

Tricki was suffering from overweight. He stooped eating anything and when he even refused his favourite foods, Mrs Pumphery became worried. To help her Mr. James Herriot came to the scene. He advised that Tricki could be saved only by being hospitalised for a fort night.

He then hospitalised Tricki. Mrs. Pumphery out of her care for Tricki, used to send two dozens egg at a time, some wine bottles and other etables. Even after the ending of fortnight the doctor felt to keep Tricki as a permanent guest as if he would stay with him then Tricki's mistress will continue to send etables for them.

However the doctor never kept Tricki as permanent guest as he was compassionate and he could understand how sad Mrs. Pumphery was without her pet dog

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