He is looking for me (tag on)2.1 dont know him (past Indefinite) 3. Please shut up (identify the sentence) 4. Have you closed the door? (past continuous) 5. Suffix or prefix (healthy, beautiful, mind, pure, kind,) 6. Opposite (obey, far, light, beautiful, hard) 7. He was traveling train (prepositions) 8. Why are you late? (identify the sentence) 9. I lost the key (present perfect) 10. I will not buy a car (contracted form of verb) 11. Abstract noun (kind, argue, confuse, long, die) 12. Collective noun (a - of soldier, a - of stars, a - of cattle, a _ of fish) 15:35
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Prefix Meaning Example
dis not, opposite of dis + satisfied = dissatisfied
mis wrongly mis + spell = misspell
un not un + acceptable = unacceptable
re again re + election = reelection
inter between inter + related = interrelated
pre before pre + pay = prepay
non not non + sense = nonsense
super above super + script = superscript
sub under sub + merge = submerge
anti against, opposing anti + bacterial = antibacterial
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