he was a great saint poet.he wrote against caste system who is this
The following points highlight the fifteen popular saints of bhakti movement. The chief saints are: 1. Ramanuja 2. Nimbarka 3. Madhva 4. Vallabhacharya 5. Ramananda 6. Chaitanya (1486—1533) 7. Kabir 8. Guru Nanak 9. Dadu Dayal (1554—1603 A D.) 10. Mira Bai (1498—1546) 11. Tulsidas (1532—1623) 12. Sur Das 13. Maluk Das (1574—1682) 14. Sundardas (1596—1689) 15. Birbhan.
Saint # 1. Ramanuja:
The earliest exponent of the Bhakti movement was Ramanuja, who was born at Sri Perumbudur in Southern India in the year 1017 A.D. He received his education at Canjeevaram and Shrirangam. On account of his scholarship he was appointed as the successor of his teacher Yamunamuni, the well- known Vaishnava saint. Thus Ramanuja acquired a position of authority.
Ramanuja gave a philosophic basis to the teachings of Vaishnavism. He wrote a commentary on the Brahma sutras, refuted Shari Kara and offered his own interpretation based on the theistic ideas. His commentaries on Brahma sutras are popularly known as Sri Bhasya.
According to Prof. K. A. Nilikanta Sastri, Ramanuja “refuted Mayavada of Sankara, demonstrated that the Upanishads did not teach a strict monism, and built up the philosophy of Visishtadvaita which reconciled devotion to a personal God, with the philosophy of the Vedanta by affirming that the soul, though of the same substance as God and emitted from him rather than created, can obtain bliss not in absorption but in existence near him.”
Ramanuja believed Brahma as Supreme and individual souls as modes or attributes of Brahma. God is attainable by soul through Bhakti. He believed in Sapuna Ishwara or god endowed with many auspicious qualities and virtues. According to him Brahma has two attributes—purusha and prakriti. Brahma is container while, purusha and prakriti are the contained.
He was Dr. BR Ambedkar
Hope it Helps u