English, asked by mahyekchakraborty1, 6 months ago

he was delighted at his good fortune why was sinbad delighted? give me the correct answer i will mark as brailiest


Answered by pranavg963


In the reign of the Caliph Haroun Alraschid, there lived in Bagdad a poor porter, named Hindbad. One day, during the excessive heats of summer, he was carrying a heavy load. from one extremity of the city to the other. and being much fatigued by the length of the way he had come. and having much ground still to traverse. he arrived in a street where the pavement was sprinkled with rose water ; and a gentle breeze refreshed the air. Delighted with this situation he placed his load on the ground. and took his station near a large mansion. The delicious scent of aloes and frankincense, which issued from the windows, and the smell of different sorts of viands. led him to suppose. that some grand feast was given there. He wished to know whose residence it was: for not having frequent occasion to pass that way, he was unacquainted with the names of the inhabitants. To satisfy his curiosity, therefore, he approached some servants, who were standing magnificently dressed, at the door, and inquired who was the master of that mansion. “What (replied the servant, are you an inhabitant in Bagdad, and do not know that this is the residence of Sindbad, the sailor, that famous voyager, who has sailed over all the seas under the sun.” The porter, who had heard of the immense riches of Sinbad. could not help comparing his situation, which appeared so enviable, with his own which was so deplorable; and distressed by the reflection. he raised his eyes, and exclaimed with a loud voice, “Almighty Creator of all things, what has he done to obtain so ​happy a destiny, or I to merit one so rigorous? In saying this, he struck the ground with his foot, as if entirely given up to despair. He was still musing on his late, when a servant came towards him from the house, and taking hold of his arm, said, “Come, follow me; my master, Sinbad, wishes to speak with you.

It may easily be supposed that Hindbad was not a little surprised at the compliment that was paid him and had reason to fear, that Sinbad sent for him to reprimand him for the words he had uttered; and therefore began to excuse himself from going saying that he could not leave his load in the middle of the street; but the servant assuring him it should be taken care of, pressed him so much, that the porter could no longer refuse to go.

He led him into a spacious room, where a number of persons were seated at a sumptuous banquet, consisting of the most choice viands and delicacies. In the principal seat was a grave and venerable person, with a long white beard. The person was Sinbad. The porter made his obedience with fear and trembling; which Sinbad perceiving, desired him to approach, and seating him at his right hand, helped him himself to the choicest dishes, and gave him some excellent wine to drink.

After the repast, Sinbad addressed himself to the porter by the name of brother, and inquired his name. "Sir, (replied he) my name is Hindbad." "I am glad to see you; but I wish to know from your own lips, what it was you said just now in the street;" for Sinbad, before he went to dinner overheard what he said, from the window and what was his reason for sending for him. At this request, Hindbad, full of confusion, hung down his head, and replied, “Sir, I must confess to you, that my fatigue had put me so out of humour, that I uttered some indiscreet words, which I entreat ​you to pardon me." "Oh, (resumed Sindbad) do not imagine that I am so unjust as to have any resentment on that account. I feel for your situation, and instead of reproaching, I pity you; but I must undeceive you from one error respecting myself. You suppose, no doubt, that the riches and comforts I enjoy, have been obtained without any labour or trouble. To arrive at this state, I have endured the greatest bodily, as well as mental sufferings you can possibly conceive. Yes gentlemen, continued he, (addressing himself to the whole company) I assure you my sufferings have been of a nature so extraordinary, as would deprive the greatest miser of his love of riches. That you may judge of this. I will, with your leave, relate the dangers I have encountered.


Answered by AhasanamulHaque


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