English, asked by sonikumari101281, 6 months ago

Heading = Read the poem given below and answer the questions that follow.

Poem = Our grandfather by the sea, blind.
His deck chair settles our rug on the stones
and his face takes sunlight like thirst.
We always play games that need speaking;
each of our cards and moves are told
And he smiles in his taking part.
We are saying our childhood to this old man
and his beautiful face, liver-marked and shy,
has no end in its space, no end in its gentleness,
to hold a whole life of listening left to do.

Questions related from poem =

1. Who is the central figure in the poem? Who is giving him company?

2. Which words in the poem indicate that they are on the sea beach?

3. Why do the children always speak while they are playing games?

4. What do you understand by 'whole life of listening?

5. Pick words from the poem that are synonyms of the given words:

(i) require

(ii) participating​


Answered by GARIMA624


1- central figure is grandfather his grandchildren

2 - in first line by the sea

3- bcoz their grandfather was blind n they were letting him know what was going on in the game

4- as grandfather was blind he could only assume things by listening so basically his actions were depended on listening things which means his rest of the life was on listening

5- i- thirst

ii- taking part

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