Environmental Sciences, asked by gsaksham499, 7 months ago

Health and diseases additional questions


Answered by aadityagupta51


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Health is not just the absence of a medical disorder or a disease, it is a state of wellness of the physical, mental and social aspects of an entity. Diseases like cholera, typhoid, pneumonia causes episodes of distress in human beings.

Few diseases like malaria, for instance, if left untreated may prove to be fatal. Apart from personal hygiene and cleanliness, public and community health measures like decontamination of drinking water, proper disposal of waste, immunization and control of disease-carrying vectors can prove to be beneficial in preventing diseases. When exposed to disease-causing pathogens, our immune system plays a major role in preventing diseases from affecting our system. Through this chapter, we get enlightened about various diseases and their causatives along with the significance of the immune system and its responses.

Explore important questions on human health and diseases for better understanding of the concept.

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