Science, asked by timung1601, 1 year ago

Healthy food Vs junk food essay for 5 class


Answered by dharinias73
  1. Why We Love Junk Food to Healthy Food?

1. They are a pleasure to our taste buds. Do we get the same pleasure in eating a bowl of fruits that we get in a cheese burger?

2. Junk food is very tastier than healthy food. Yummy cheesy sandwich vs. a bowl of seasonal fruits; a war is going on in your mind…which one will you choose for your snack? Sandwich always wins.

3. Temptation plays a very important role when it comes to choosing junk food over healthy food. The melted chocolate dripping out of chocolate fudge is more tempting than an apple.

4. Another reason for junk food craving is the mood. It has been noticed that when you are overtly stressed you crave for sweet junk food like cakes, pastries, brownies or chocolates.

Lets check out the cons list:

1. Junk foods add to pounds and pounds of weight. That’s the reason why so many of us suffer from weight problems these days.

2. Have you ever thought about the nutrition factor?  Do you really get any nutrition from these junk foods? You may say that the veggies used in burger and sandwiches are raw, may be just stir-fried. So what? What about the cheese and different sauces? The bread is grilled with quite a lot of butter too. All these oil and grease travels through your blood vessels blocking up your arteries gradually. The result being poor health after some years.

Benefits of Healthy Food:

1. Healthy foods like fruits and vegetables or whole wheat chapattis and bread are high in fiber content. Fibers release energy slowly, this food keeps our stomach full for a longer time and we feel less hungry through the day. High fiber foods also keep your gastro-intestinal tract healthy thus controlling your cholesterol and blood sugar level.

2. The proteins that you derive from lean meat and nuts improve your brain functions. Have veggies either steamed or stir-fried. They hold all the nutrients intact unlike fried foods which drain out the essential nutrients.

3. Healthy food is not processed, hence they are low in calories and do not lose out on essential nutritional values. Having multi-grain breads, sprouts, low fat diary items (like skimmed milk, home-made paneer or curd) and fruits will give you a good amount of nutrition.

4. Since these foods are low in calories and Trans fat, therefore, it will help to control your weight. If you are overweight or obese, consult a doctor or nutritionist at the earliest and follow a high fiber low calorie diet strictly.

Junk Food Vs. Healthy Food

Basically, the difference between healthy and unhealthy food often depends on their calorie and fat content. So, it is always better to know how to distinguish healthy foods from their unhealthier counterparts. And this post will help you do that! Following is a list of factors that you can check in order to keep yourself away from unhealthy/junk food.

1. Oil Difference:

There are so many varieties of cooking oils in the market today that it can get really confusing to choose the healthier ones. The key difference between unhealthy and healthy oils is the amount of saturated and unsaturated fats they contain. Unsaturated fats are healthy. So, the oils with greater percentage of unsaturated fats are considered a healthier option. The saturated fat content in coconut oil is about 91 percent, whereas this percentage is only about 7 in canola oil. Palm oil, butter and lard are some of the unhealthy oils that contain a high level of saturated fats. Olive oil and sunflower oil are considered healthy, as they are low on saturated fats.

2. Nutrient Capacity:

Healthy foods are rich in nutrients like calcium, fiber, potassium, vitamin D, etc. Vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, and whole grains provide fiber. Leafy vegetables and dairy products low on fat provide calcium. Vegetables and fruits like banana, avocado, strawberries, apricots and cucumber are rich in potassium. Eggs, fish, orange juice and fortified milk are good sources of vitamin D. Unhealthy foods contain very little of the nutrients discussed above.

3. Refined And Unrefined Food:

During the process of refining, lots of enzymes, vitamins, and fibers are lost, which makes refined food unhealthy to some extent. The vegetable oils are originally good for health if consumed in reasonable amount. To increase the shelf life of the oil, it is partially hydrogenated and then used for cooking and baking. After the process of hydrogenation, the oil, which was formerly good, turns into less healthy trans-fat. The processed oil has disastrous long-term effects on the body. So, always try to use unrefined and unprocessed ingredients for maintaining better health.

4. Healthy Foods Are Rich In Antioxidants:

Antioxidants are essential to defend the body from free radicals, which can cause cancer. Healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits, and beans are rich sources of antioxidants.

Answered by honey23478
Healthy food:

Healthy food have some substances called nutrients. Nutrients are essential food components that provide nourishment for proper growth and development of our body. These nutrients are -carbohydrate,fats,proteins,vitamins,and minerals. In addition to these nutrients,there are two other important components of food - water and roughage. Our body needs all these components to maintain good health
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