English, asked by samratmishra8733, 1 year ago

heart and hurt homophone difference​


Answered by thedarkgamer126000

A hart is a male European red deer over five years old, when the crown antlers are formed. Hart comes from the Old English word heorot, meaning stag, male of the red deer, derived from other words such as the Old Saxon word hirot, the Dutch word hert, and Old High German hiruz. The female European red deer is called a hind, from the Old English hind and Old Norse hind, as well as Dutch hinde and Old High German hinta.

A heart is an organ that pumps blood through the body by way of the circulatory system. A heart consists of muscles that contract and dilate rhythmically. Heart may also refer to the area of the chest above the heart. The human heart is metaphorically considered to be the center of emotion, especially love and compassion. Heart may also be a synonym for courage. Heart sometimes means the innermost part of something, its essence. One of the four suits in playing cards is hearts. The word heart comes from the Old English word heorte, which means heart, breast, soul, spirit, will, desire, courage, intellect. Other influences are the word herta from the Old Saxon, the Old Norse word hjarta and the Dutch word hart.

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