Heart pumps impure blood in case of [NCERT 1983]
A) Shark
B) Whale
C) Frog
D) Lizard
Answer: Heart pumps impure blood in case of Shark only.
Only contaminated blood is pumped by the heart in sharks. Sharks' hearts are two-chambered tubes with a S shape. It has an atrium and a ventricle. Through the afferent branchial arteries, the heart pumps blood to the gill capillaries, where it is oxygenated.
The blood then passes through veins, efferent branchial arteries, and bodily tissues on its way back to the heart. Sharks have low blood pressure, and the stiff walls of their pericardium produce a vacuum inside of it to maintain blood flow. To keep their blood flowing through their bodies, many sharks must swim continuously. Because blood is pumped by the heart to the rest of the body through arteries and back to the heart through veins, the blood flow is comparable to that of humans. Humans have four chambers in their hearts, whereas sharks only have two.
Hence, the polluted blood is pumped by the heart of sharks.
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