Biology, asked by devenkale2644, 1 year ago

Hedge d. M. (1978). Effect of soil matric potential, method of irrigation and nitrogen fertilization on yield, quality, nutrient uptake and water use of radish (raphanus sativus l.). Irrig sci, 8:13-22


Answered by Anonymous

objective of this trail was to follow the output: input of Fe, Cu, Ca, Mg and K homeostasis in roots, leaves and growing media. The obtained results revealed that 12oC was more favouable than 20oC for radish mineral accumulation. Iron accumulation in radish leaves were significantly higher than that accumulated in storage roots of radish grown under 20oC (107.56%) and 12oC (155.51%). Radish grown under 12oC extracted more iron from peat than radish grown under 20oC. Copper accumulation in leaves of radish grown under 12oCsubstantially exceeded that accumulated in leaves of 20oC radish by 258.58%. Calcium accumulation in leaves of radish was higher than that accumulated in roots under both temperatures. Moreover, calcium accumulation in leaves of radish grown under 12oC bypassed that of 20oC radish leaves by 139.99%. Magnesium accumulation was 31.32% higher in leaves of radish grown under 12oC than that accumulated in leaves of 20oC radish. The highest potassium was deposited in radish roots and leaves of radish grown under 20oC which substantially bypassed that of 12oC by 13.4 and 7.48%, respectively. 0 AWC% depletion highly exceeded 66AWC% (16.73%) and 100AWC% (52.46%) iron accumulation. Apparent differences were observed in Copper deposited in radish leaves where the highest (4.5236 µg g-1)was confined to 0AWC% depletion which substantially exceeded 33%AWC (171.93%), 66%AWC (54.57%) and 100%AWC (153.28%). The highest calcium content of leaves (2.47991%) was coincided with 0AWC% treatment and in calcium left in peat moss at harvesting time. which was profoundly exceeded 33%AWC% (23.01%), 66% AWC (25.86%) and wilt treatment by 32.18%. Magnesium accumulation in roots increased significantly at 33% AWC depletion which apparently exceeded 0%AWC (17.14%) and 100%AWC (21.53%) and insignificantly by passed 66%AWC. Potassium accumulated in roots was attended its maximum 9.2861% in radish grown under 66%AWC depletion. Wilted radish substantially reduced K content in roots as compared to 0%AWC (24.68%), 33%AWC (25.84%) and 66%AWC (26.59%). Wilting treatments significantly increased leaf content of K on the account of root. The superiority of Altox F1 over other investigated cultivars. It substantially exceeded Corox F1 (11.81%), Famox F1 (24.76%) and Topsi (57.35%) in term of iron deposited in storage roots. Altox F1 gave the highest leaves content of calcium which substantially exceeded Topsi (13.465%), FamoxF1 also showed superiority over Topsi by 11.41%. Therefore, cultivars can be categorized according to their mineral absorbing capabilities as follow: Altox F1> Corox F1> Famox F1>Topsi.

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