Helen was an incusitive child how can we say so expression your own words
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Secondary SchoolEnglish 20 points
Helen was an inquisitive child. How can we say so? Elucidate
Ask for details Follow Report by Adityaavi14 01.07.2017
prerna16 Ace
Helen was an ambitious woman. Helen was restless and too full of energy rather than motivated. People were attracted towards Helen by her eager, self-asserting disposition as a child before the illness struck. She was a sprightly and precocious child before the illness struck her. Helen was a person who engaged in tireless activity, she was never still for a moment and that was quite an impressive feat. She was here, there and everywhere. Her hands were in everything but nothing could hold her attention for too long as is evident from her varied interests ranging from reading to chess to sailing. Her restless spirit could not be satiated and it incessantly thirsted for things to do. Helen used to play pranks on everyone and seemed to be hungry for attention.