hElle BraiLyia !!!
whAt are the BenEfits of having Good Friend???
why friendship is the major part of Life???
Answered by
A good friend is a connection to a life , a tie to a past and a road to the future, a key to the serenity ,a totally insane world.
True friends are those real people who come to find you in dark places and lead you back to the light. A good friend is someone who knows there is something wrong even if you smile.The best thing we can do for our good friend is to be there, even when you have nothing to offer but your presence .
Life becomes meaningful only because of the boon of the friendship .A single moment of misunderstanding is so poisonous ,that it makes us forget the hundred lovable moments spent together within a minute .
Friends and family are important because they are the roots of our life.We can manage without fruits but can never stand without roots.
Stay committed to your friends and never betray them as it can be the greatest loss if we never value our friends .

Thanks. ☺️
Answered by
Hey Mate..!!❤️
✨"Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in light."✨
--------------------Helen Keller
One of my favourite quotes, that stands true.
Friends don't share blood, but they do share our heart.
There are a millionnnnn benefits of having a good friend!!!
And one of the best of these benefits is
having someone that you can insult others with XD....
A good friend is someone with whom you can spend your whole day with and even then, you won't be bored.
If you want someone to help you with your studies, a good friend will always be there.
If you want company when you get punished, a good friend will always be there.
If want to hit your (ganju) professor with paper balls, a good friend will always be there.
Whether situations are good or bad your Friend is always gonna be with you no matter what..!
Those crazy late night conversations Which you have with your..!
(Maybe you are remembering your Bestie or a good friend as you read this)❤️
You can play, fight, laugh, and best of all--do stupid things with your friend.
Your inside jokes, your personal memes, your thoughts, your actions all can be shared with your friend.
Friendship is a major part of life because without friends Life would be boring.
Friends are really important so that we can enjoy life.
So that we can laugh in between lessons and think how to control ourselves so that the teacher won't see us.
So that we can bunk class and get caught together.
And also do group study, with fun, and with the supernatural power that we get of memorising everything that we study.
When I say, Supernatural Power, I mean it. I don't know if this happens with everyone but, it does happen with me. When I'm doing a group study I can easily capture and understand everything.
At last I want to say-----
Friendship is really important and has many benefits...
So, we should try to make good friends.
Not necessarily, many friends but, just few who stay true to us Forevrrrrrr. ❤️
Hope This Helps..!!
✨"Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in light."✨
--------------------Helen Keller
One of my favourite quotes, that stands true.
Friends don't share blood, but they do share our heart.
There are a millionnnnn benefits of having a good friend!!!
And one of the best of these benefits is
having someone that you can insult others with XD....
A good friend is someone with whom you can spend your whole day with and even then, you won't be bored.
If you want someone to help you with your studies, a good friend will always be there.
If you want company when you get punished, a good friend will always be there.
If want to hit your (ganju) professor with paper balls, a good friend will always be there.
Whether situations are good or bad your Friend is always gonna be with you no matter what..!
Those crazy late night conversations Which you have with your..!
(Maybe you are remembering your Bestie or a good friend as you read this)❤️
You can play, fight, laugh, and best of all--do stupid things with your friend.
Your inside jokes, your personal memes, your thoughts, your actions all can be shared with your friend.
Friendship is a major part of life because without friends Life would be boring.
Friends are really important so that we can enjoy life.
So that we can laugh in between lessons and think how to control ourselves so that the teacher won't see us.
So that we can bunk class and get caught together.
And also do group study, with fun, and with the supernatural power that we get of memorising everything that we study.
When I say, Supernatural Power, I mean it. I don't know if this happens with everyone but, it does happen with me. When I'm doing a group study I can easily capture and understand everything.
At last I want to say-----
Friendship is really important and has many benefits...
So, we should try to make good friends.
Not necessarily, many friends but, just few who stay true to us Forevrrrrrr. ❤️
Hope This Helps..!!

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