Define :
1. Guided Media
2. Unguided Media
Guided Media - In this communication channel computers or devices are connected through wire. In this media data transmit with a fixed path.
UnGuided Media - In this communication channel computers or devices are connected without wire in network. In this media data transmit in any direction (omni-direction)
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Guided Media:
In this type of media, signal energy is enclosed and guided within a solid medium. The guided media is used either for point to point link or a shared link with various connections. In guided media, interference is generated by emissions in the adjacent cables. Proper shielding of guided media is required to reduce the interference issue.
Unguided Media:
In the unguided media, the signal energy propagates through a wireless medium. The wireless media is used for radio broadcasting in all directions. Microwave links are chosen for long distance broadcasting transmission unguided media. Interference is also a problem in unguided media, overlapping frequency bands from competing signals can alter or eliminate a signal.