English, asked by 9615553431, 1 year ago

Hello friend I want format for writing Arguments in given topics?


Answered by angelsbatra
hey ! friend here is your answer 
A. Make a Claim

Your claim is your thesis statement or paragraph topic sentence. Think: "What's my point?" See Thesis statements for more information.

B. Evidence

Use appropriate evidence to support your claim. See Paragraphs for more information on using evidence.

C. Counterarguments

Every argument has a counterargument; it strengthens your position if you respectfully acknowledge the merits and properties of the opposite view before showing how your argument is stronger. Examine in depth one or two arguments rather than only providing a surface view of many counter-views. Providing an assessment of the opposing view and the merits (or lack thereof) of the perspective is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your critical thinking skills. Please see Critical thinking for more information on demonstrating your analytical skills.

D. Audience

Consider your audience to be uninformed, not ignorant. That is, your audience is capable of understanding your arguments, has sufficient knowledge of the topic to be able to follow your thinking, but isn't all-knowing and able to glean deeper meaning from glancing mentions of facts and information.

E. Critical Reading

When you're assessing other materials to learn new facts and approaches, remember that the authors of those materials also have biases and philosophical approaches that shape their findings. Don't assume that all published studies are "the right way"; consider the findings and the evidence and come to your own decision as to whether or not you agree with the author. Similar to the skills required in the Counterargument section, accomplishing a critical reading requires that you engage your critical or analytical thinking skills to determine your own conclusions. See Critical thinking for more information. 

hope i helped u

angelsbatra: plz give me the topic
9615553431: jst give format
9615553431: let it be mobile phone..
angelsbatra: wait
9615553431: ok..
angelsbatra: i am sending u a pdf
angelsbatra: i hav send
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