English, asked by ddddiyaaaa, 9 months ago

Hello guys can you guys write me some examples for character sketch please? And can you also tell me how to write a character sketch


Answered by alinaafsheen


Free-write about your character for 10-15 minutes to get started.

Confirm the basic physical description of the characterAge


Height and weight

General ethnic background (ie. "tall, blonde Scandanavian-type")

Defining physical characteristics (hair, beauty, glasses, typical clothing, etc.)

Think about your character's overall emotions and feelings

Come up with a name for your character.

Determine the character's relationship to the story, world, or main character

Develop your character's backstory.

Find your character's overarching motivation.

Fill in any other details that pop into your head.exWhat are their favorite books, movies, and music?

What would the do if they won the lottery?

What was their major in college?

If they could have a super power, what would it be?

Who is their hero?

Distill your character's personality into one or two sentences.

Answered by Anonymous

thanks for free points dear.......

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