Biology, asked by tanishathakur5, 5 months ago


tell me 10 most important questions of chapter how do organisms reproduce class 10...​


Answered by bhoopbhoomi3088

Organisms reproduce in two ways- asexually and sexually. Asexual reproduction does not involve the fusion of male and female gametes. This takes place in bacteria, amoeba, hydra, etc. Sexual reproduction involves the fusion of male and female gametes and can be seen in humans and many animals.

Answered by singhmohit9793700




Reproduction is the process by which all organisms multiply in number and increase their population.

To know more about Reproduction, visit here.

 \blue{asexual \: reproduction}

Asexual reproduction is a method of reproduction that involves only one organism. A single organism reproduces two or multiple organisms on its own. This is seen in all unicellular organisms, some multicellular organisms and a few plants.

 \blue{sexual \: reproduction}

The mode of reproduction that involves two individuals; one male and one female. They produce sex cells or gametes which fuse to form a new organism.

 \green{asexual\: reproduction}


Fission is an asexual reproduction that is common in most of the unicellular organisms.

When the fission results in two daughter cells, it is binary fission (e.g. paramecium).

When fission results in many daughter cells, it is called multiple fission (e.g. Plasmodium).

Planes of fission may be different for different organisms.


Budding is a type of asexual reproduction in which a small cyst-like structure is formed on the parent’s body, which gives rise to a new individual.

Bud may remain attached to the parent (yeast) or may separate and become a new individual (hydra).

 \pink{regeneration \: and \: fragmentatio}

Regeneration is the process of growing back the lost organ or body part by the organism (e.g. lizard).

Fragmentation is the process by which an organism gets fragmented into smaller pieces and each piece grows into a whole new organism.

E.g. Planaria, Hydra

Fragmentation and Regeneration in Hydra

Organisms such as fungi make spores that can grow into complete new individuals when dispersed from their fruiting body.

 \pink{vegetation \: propagation}

This is a type of asexual reproduction seen in plants.

The vegetative part of the plant, like leaves, stem, roots, gives rise to a new plant.

Vegetative propagation can be artificial or natural.

Natural vegetative propagation happens through leaves (e.g. bryophyllum), stem (e.g. turmeric, ginger), runners/stolon (e.g.grass runners, strawberry), bulbs ( e.g. onion, lily), etc.

Artificial methods include cutting, grafting, layering and plant tissue culture.

 \green{sexual \: reproduction}

 \pink{types \: of \: cell \: division}

Two types of cell division seen in eukaryotic organisms:


Takes place in somatic cells

Maintains the chromosome number

Produces two, diploid daughter cells

Required for asexual reproduction, development and growth, cell replacement and  regeneration


Takes place in sex cells

Reduces the number of chromosomes by half

Produces four haploid daughter cells

Required for sexual reproduction, i.e gamete formation

To know more about Cell division, visit here.

The Reproductive System

Male reproductive system

The main reproductive organ in males is a pair of testes.

They produce the male sex cells called sperms and also produce male sex hormone testosterone.

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