English, asked by hazelween, 3 months ago

Hello my friend. you asked how can you give these to us in covid . I will tell you . Ask the person what they want and then order it online . but when you all filling the form tell the person to give their address to you and they will give it to you by email,etc . where you have to enter the shipping address write their address so it will directly reach them . If you are using Cash on delivery method write your address on the Payment address and their address on the shipping address. So that the parcel will be shipped directly to them . And the best option from the list is the Brushmarker markers (any brand they want).because Brushmarker brands will allow you to order like this .the other product can also be delivered like this . Hope this helps you . and also plz add me in your giveaway ​



Answered by dheerajkrishna67

Answer: no any

thing are


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