Hello, please answer this:- A stranger has helped your grandfather and you want to appreciate him for the help extended by him. Write any 8 lines to thank him. Please answer as fast as possible. The one who gives Direct and Good answer will be mark the Brainliest. SO COME FAST AND ANSWER IT AS FAST AS POSSIBLE !!!
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thank u stranger
u r the best
thank u
u the best
appreciate it
well done bro
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Dear Sir ,
You don't know how much you have helped us in this situation. My Grandfather is a blind . And can't see . So always I accompany him everywhere . But this time I have to go and buy something for him . But I told him not to cross the road . But a stranger pushed him and fall on the road . If you have not saved him at the right time . I wouldn't have saw my grandfather again
Thanks for your Generosity
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