Math, asked by sumukhacharya1907, 11 months ago

Hello Whats Integration Defintion?


Answered by gambheersingh2320



sory sorry


Answered by Izma22

Step-by-step explanation: I hope this helps you please mark as brainliest answer

noun. an act or instance of combining into an integral whole. an act or instance of integrating a racial, religious, or ethnic group. ... the operation of finding the integral of a function or equation, especially solving a differential equation. behavior, as of an individual, that is in harmony with the environment.

Integration occurs when separate people or things are brought together, like the integration of students from all of the district's elementary schools at the new middle school, or the integration of snowboarding on all ski slopes. You may know the word differentiate, meaning "set apart." Integrate is its opposite.

Integration is defined as mixing things or people together that were formerly separated. An example of integration is when the schools were desegregated and there were no longer separate public schools for African Americans.

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