Write a note on workin of Elctric Generator.
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Answer:hi mates this is ur answer Explanation:
✍✍✍An electric generator is a device that converts mechanical energy obtained from an external source into electrical energy as an output.
✍✍✍According to Faraday's laws of electromagnetic induction, whenever a conductor is placed in a varying magnetic field (OR a conductor is moved in a magnetic field), an EMF(electromotive force) gets induced in the conductor.
✍✍✍The principle of working of an electric generator is that when a loop is moved in a magnetic field, an electric current is induced in the coil. It generates electricity by rotating a coil in a magnetic field.
✍✍✍MNST →Rectangular coil
Aand B → Brushes
Cand D → Two sliprings
X →Axle, G →Galvanometer
➡️➡️If axle X is rotated clockwise, then the length MN moves upwards while length ST moves downwards. Since the lengths MN and ST are moving ina magnetic field, a current will be induced in both of them due to electro-magnetic induction. Length MN is moving upwards and the magnetic field acts from left to right. Hence, according to Fleming’s right hand rule, the direction of induced current will be from M toN. Similarly, the direction of induced current in the length ST will be from S to T.
➡️➡️The direction of current in the coil is MNST. Hence, the galvanometer shows a deflection in a particular direction. After half a rotation,length MN starts moving down whereas length ST starts moving upward.The direction of the induced current in the coil gets reversed asTSNM. As the direction of current gets reversed after each half rotation, the produced current is called an alternating current (AC).
➡️➡️To get aunidirectional current, instead of two slip rings, two split ringsare used.
➡️➡️In this arrangement, brush A always remains in contact with the length of the coil that is moving up whereas brush B always remainsin contact with the length that is moving down. The split rings Cand D act as a commutator.
➡️➡️The direction of current induced in the coil will be MNST for the firstrotation and TSNM in the second half of the rotation. Hence, a unidirectional current is produced from the generator called DC generator. The current is called AC current.

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The electric generator is a machine for producing electric current. The electric generator convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.
Electric Generator works on the principle of electromagnetic induction. Electricity is generated by rotating a coil inside magnetic field.
Features of Electric Generators:
Fuel: Multiple fuels option such as diesel, petrol, natural gas, etc are available for electric generators.
Some generators models have noise reducing technology, which allows them to kept at close proximity without any noise pollution problems.
hope it helps ☺️
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