English, asked by tapatidolai, 1 year ago


You go out the cool fresh morning to see all the animals. ( Identify whether the following sentence is a simple, complex, compound sentence )


Please ans my question

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Answered by thayyilunni

Answer:simple sentence.


Infinitive form is used in the sentence.

Answered by SwatiMukherjee


Basic Grammar and Punctuation: Complex Sentences

About Complex Sentences

Once you can identify a basic sentence, you can join two or more sentences into complex sentences.  Two or more sentences can be combined with asubordinating conjunction that explains the relationship between each idea.


For example:

Simple Sentences - He studied hard. He wanted to go to medical school. He suffered from arthritis.


Complex Sentence - He studied hard because he wanted to go to medical school as he suffered from arthritis.


Complex Sentence - Even thoughhe suffered from arthritis, he studied hard because he wanted to go to medical school.

Notice how the subordinating conjunction adds additional meaning to the sentence. The last two sentences tell us why he studied.

 A subordinating conjunction is sometimes called "a heart word"because it turns two sentences into one. Even though both sentences contain a subject and verb, one becomes dependent on the other and cannot stand alone. One sentence becomes the explaining idea for the main idea.


Any time you see words like the ones above, check that your sentence doesn't leave a question remaining.


 For example:

Wrong - When he came late to class. (What happened when he was late?)

Right - He forgot to give the teacher his homework when he came late to class.


Wrong - After she noticed it missing. (What happened when she noticed?)

Right - The teacher asked for his homework after she noticed it missing.


Wrong - Because they knew the test would be difficult. (What happened as a result?)

Right - The students studiedfuriously because they knew the test would be difficult.

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