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Physical education means that when you get indulged in the field of sports and physical exercises.
The major difference is that sports are those which include football cricket etc and games are those in which u play these sports.
1)Physical education has existed since ancient times, but it wasn't until several hundred years ago that the term himself(abbreviated as phys ed or PE) came into being. its earliest known use comes, oddly enough, from a 1748 book titled critical Reflections on poetry planning, and music: '' cannot some years prove more favorable then others to the physical education of children.... ?'' A few decades after this words were published, gymnasiums opened across Europe, aspicialy in Germany,were gymnastics association(or turnverins) fostered physical as.
2)Games and sports are very similar: a game is a physical or mental activity or contest that has rules and that people do for pleasure. A sport is a contest or game in which people do carten physical activities according to a specific set rules and compete against each other. The difference is subtle.
- 3)Builds healthy bones
- improves strength and endurance
- Reduces stress and anxiety .
- 4)A strong heart .....
- New connections...
- improved lung function....
- increased confidence.....
- Reduces stress.