Math, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

Help me if you know the correct answer



Answered by Steph0303
Part F :

For 1524 people it is 124 so percent = 8.13%

Therefore 8.13% of 320 million people = 26016000 people 

So these many are predicted to wear contact lenses.


Part A:

Total population = 1490

People wearing corrective lenses are = 745

Percentage of people wearing are = 745 / 1490 * 100 = 50%

Part B:

People wearing glasses = 618

Percentage of people wearing glasses = 618 / 1490 *100 = 41.47%

Part C:

People wearing contact lenses = 127

Percentage of people wearing contact lenses = 127 / 1490 *100 = 8.52%

Hope it helps!!

Steph0303: U r wlcm
Steph0303: Part c is not in the pic but i have done it on assumption
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