help me out in making the story ...
Titile:: The Two Friends
Once, there were two friends one was a Muslim and one was a hindu. They were very good friends. Their friendship was very hidden because if others knew about it then everyone would oppose them and there will be disputes between the two castes.
But one day riots break out. This was very unexpected to happen. The two castes did not even contact each other but it had happened. People got very very angry and wanted to kill members of the other community. The two friends got very sad as they were friends and did not want to kill each other but they had to or else the community people might even kill them.
One friend is about to get his property from being plundered and burnt down, but the other friend saves his life. The friend came to the other side without getting seen by anyone. Because the friend is in a lot of trouble the other friend gives refuge to the friend till the situation normalizes. Then both of the community decides not to fight again because they saw what happened. Everything was in ruins. From that day onwards the communities did not fight and the two friends could also maintain their friendship going.
Moral: Fighting solves nothing, instead it creates problem.
3 paras as per the general story writing rule