English, asked by choms, 11 months ago

Help me please.Merchant of Venice Act 1 Scene 2​



Answered by Manuanju

Hey here is ur answer

Please follow me and mark me as brainlest.

1. Venice represents the place of business and law predominant. While, Belmont represents a place where matters of love and marriage take center stage.

2. There are several interesting and significant relationships in The Merchant of Venice. Of course, one of the most important would be between Antonio and Bassanio. Their relationship has invited much discussion and remains the subject of much speculation in terms of the nature of their friendship. In terms of differences between relationships, the relationship between Portia and Nerissa is far less complicated.

Antonio would do anything for Bassanio, much as a father would do for a son, and Bassanio's reaction in the light of Shylock 's proposed "bond" also suggests to me that there is an unexplained, familial-type relationship of care between the two. They are also both of a similar social standing, very relevant in Shakespeare's day. On the other hand, Nerissa is Portia's gentlewoman, and so her relationship is based more on her duty to Portia as her servant. The relationship between the two women does change and develop into so much more, but essentially she has a working relationship.

3. Portia's mood is similar to Antonio's at the start of scene 2 because they both are unhappy at the moment.

Portia looking for a husband, who she truly loves.

Antonio is sad because his friend Bassanio is leaving him.

4.Portia does not like the method of selecting husbands her deceased father has chosen for her, she is very sad and upset that she has no say in who she marries. So far it has not been very successful in eliminating suitors it has only made Portia mock the suitors that have so far came for her hand in marriage.

5.5.Portia mocks all of her potential suitors, she sees faults in every single one:French Lord, Monsieur Le Bon: he is “every man in no man”, frowns too much, has a good horse, he will “fence with his own shadow”: lot of personalities?

-Baron of England, Falconbridge: he and Portia speak didn’t languages (she can speak latin, french and italian but not english), dresses badly

-scottish lord: cowardly? timid? wimpy? he let the englishman slap him in the ear, and instead of hitting him back, said he would get his revenge later … very unclear

-young German, Duke of Saxony’s nephew: he is a drunk, and when sober still ewwe”

A piece from the story itself.

Portia is very racist and doesn’t even consider the Morocco because of his skin colour therefore she treats him differently than any of the other previous suitors.

6.Portia first encounters Bassanio in Belmont, and Bassanio catches Portia’s eyes as she says in Act 1:Scene 2, she remembers him for his looks and his social status was better than it is now: “A venetian,a scholar and a soldier, that came hither in company of the Marquis of Montferrat.


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