help needed in this html question
how to do pls help
u can give the tags also
1. For background colour you can use it within body tag like,
<body bgcolor="light yellow">
You can choose colour of your choice or you can use internet for colour code as well.
2. Name of the school
<b> name </b>
in between this b tag you have to mention your school name.
3. For scrolling Jekegram Thane, you have to use marquee tag.
<marquee> Jekegram Thane </marquee>
you can change or add marquee behavior as scroll or alternate or sliding as well for that you have to add attribute named behavior.
4. For underlining your name you have to enclosed your name between u tag.
<u> name </u>
5. and for italic, i tag is used.
<i> class and division </i>
(Name of school) xyz
scroll the ('Jekegram Thane')
( scrolling means to make the slide up and down)
( your name in this manner and underline it)
(your class and division in italic ) in this mannar.
and very important use light blue it will suit.