Biology, asked by Weeeeeeex, 10 months ago

HELP please..........................​



Answered by Tanvi2407


1.the supply of water to land or crops to help growth, typically by means of channels is irrigation.

2.a-Sodium benzoate b-pectin, Sodium benzoate

3.Weeding or weed control is the process of removing unwanted plants from crop fields. Here physical, chemical and biological methods are used to stop weeds from reaching a mature stage of growth when they could be harmful to domesticated plants and livestock.

4.a series of organisms each dependent on the next as a source of food is food chain.

5.landslide, hail, volcanic erruption

6.bats, whales


hope it helps u.

Answered by soumya1730


20. Transplantation


1. Irrigation is the process of applying controlled amount of water to plants at needed intervals

3 the unwanted plants that grow between crops are called weeds

4 food chain is a system where smaller animal become the food of larger animal which,in turn is the food for even larger animal

5 drought, flood, earthquake

6 bats and whales

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