English, asked by nastasyabykova2002, 3 months ago

Help please
Fill in the gaps by inserting the definite article (the) or the null article (X).
The Skeleton
…. parts of … human body are …. head, …. trunk and …. extremities. …. skull is …. bony
framework of …. head, it protects …. brain and supports …. face.
…. skeleton of …. trunk consists of …. spinal column (the spine), …. 7 cervical, …. 12 thoracic,
…. 5 lumbar, …. 5 sacral vertebrae and …. coccyx.
…. shoulder and …. pelvic girdles belong to …. upper and …. lower extremities.
…. upper extremity consists of …. arm, …. forearm and …. hand.
There are …. four fingers and one thumb in each …. hand. …. lower extremity has …. thigh, ….
leg and …. foot.
…. skeleton gives …. upright strength to …. body. …. bones serve as a storehouse for ….
calcium and …. phosphorus releasing these minerals to …. blood when …. organism needs them.


Answered by sasi2336

x the the the the the the x the the x the the x x x x x the the the the the the x x x x x the the the the the the the x x x the the

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