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yy Gram Panchayat
Sarpanch : The elections to a Gram
Panchayat are held every five years. The
elected members elect a Sarpanch and
Deputy Sarpanch from among themselves.
The meetings of the Gram Panchayat are
held under the chairmanship of the
Sarpanch. It is his responsibility to
implement the development schemes of
the village. The members of the Gram
Panchayat can bring a motion of no
confidence against a Sarpanch who is
not carrying out his responsibilities
properly. In the absence of the Sarpanch,
the Deputy Sarpanch looks after the
work of a Gram Panchayat.
Gram Sevak : He is the secretary
of the Gram Panchayat. He is appointed
by the Chief Executive Officer of the
Zilla Parishad. His main function is to
look after the day to day functioning of
the Gram Panchayat, to explain its
development schemes to the residents of
the village, etc.
Gram Sabha : The assembly of all
the voters of the village or rural area
is the Gram Sabha. It is the most
important organization of the people at
the local level.
It is binding to hold at least six
meetings of the Gram Sabha in each
financial year. The responsibility of calling