Helpfull effect of Himalayan mountains
A Climate Influence:
The Himalayan Mountains isolate the deeper interior of Asia from the influence of warm air from the south, and it protects India from the cold blizzard generated by the continental winter high pressure system of north-eastern and Central Asia.
To the Himalayas India owes the prominent features of her climate. By reason of its altitude and situation directly in the path of monsoon, it is most favourably conditioned for the precipitation of all their contained moisture either as rain or snow. It intercepts the monsoon clouds advancing from the southern seas, and precipitates heavy rains on the Indian Plains.
B Storehouse of Mineral Resources:
The Himalayan region contains commercially valuable minerals. Copper, lead, zinc, bismuth, antimony, nickel, cobalt and tungsten are known to occur in both the eastern and western Himalaya. The Himalayas promise gold, silver, and precious and semiprecious stones (including sapphires, beryl, and kyanite), limestone, bauxite, gypsum, bentonite and magnesite. Coal and petroleum are other mineral fuels found in the region.
C Birth-place of Rivers:
Snow-fields and glaciers of enormous magnitude are nourished on the higher ranges which, together with the rainfall in the middle Himalaya, feed a number of perennial rivers which course down to the plains in hundred of fertilizing tributaries.
These sacred rivers along with numerous tributaries have their sources here. In this manner the Himalaya, by turning all rain water to these mighty effluents, have protected northern India from the general desiccation which has spread over Central Asia. Without Himalaya, India would have been a bleak country with no big rivers and no rainfall.