Hemoglobin cannot take up oxygen beyond saturation level of
haemoglobin cannot take up oxygen beyond saturation level of 97%.
Red blood cells include the protein haemoglobin, which transports oxygen to your body's organs and tissues and carbon dioxide from those tissues back to your lungs. You have a low red blood cell count if a haemoglobin test finds that your haemoglobin level is lower than normal (anemia).
Hemoglobin not contain all the oxygen it needs:
This encourages the retention of oxygen (keeping hemoglobin in a tense condition) in peripheral tissues' hemoglobin. The high affinity of for hemoglobin results in a decrease in total
concentration despite a higher proportion of saturated hemoglobin molecules. Oxygen supply and binding are more challenging at high altitudes.
Beyond a saturation level of percent, haemoglobin cannot absorb oxygen.