Here are four different mobiles and their features. If you want to buy a mobile, which one would
you like to buy? Why? Write a paragraph and present it in the class. Refer pg no. 68 of unit 4
Sokia Strawberry Sungsung MinimaxX
Large screen Wi-Fi High Speed Internet Free Travel bag (7.1 inches)
Long lasting battery Blue tooth Full touch screen Rocking sound
Blue tooth Qwerty key pad Blue tooth Low price
Music player MP3 Player MP3 5 Mega Pixel Camera
VGA Camera 5.0 MP Camera 3.2 MP Camera this question is only for the people who answer correct(Upendra Joshi) bcoz it's my FA work project
here are four different mobiles and their features. If you want to buy a mobile which one would you like to buy? why? Write a paragraph
Long-lasting battery, Blue tooth Full, touch and screen Rocking sound.
When one is buying a phone, there are a few important criteria to be noted and they are a Long-lasting battery: It acts like a life jacket to the phone because it provides the ability of the phone to function properly during games and other social media websites. Touch screen: Any smartphone requires a touch screen because it is easy to use and the process is faster. Memory: It is essential that a phone has sufficient space for memory as an overload of memory can slower the function of the phone. Usually, for android phones, the company Samsung provides reasonable quality and affordability of phones.