Here is your answer------
Man has depended on plants ever since life began. The reasons are various- for food, shelter, clothing, fuel, furniture etc. The destruction of plants has been a cause of tremendous concern to him. Hence he tries to preserve plants from both man-made and natural calamities. He adopts various methods to overcome these calamities. To do so, scientists also evolved the process of tissue culture whereby complete plant can be developed from just a part of the plant. This proved to be a boon. This technique involves a process in which small pieces of different parts of a plant body are grown on a nutritional media under completely sterile conditions. This concept dates back to 1878 when a German Botanist Vochting said that from a small plant piece, a whole plant could be regenerated. Later, in 1942, Haberlandt suggested that the cultivation of artificial embryos is possible depending on the nutritional media.
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