hey ! anyone beside me ,chankyapuri delhi
1. Describe any four tags that are used to create a table in an HTML
Ans: The four tags are namely,
<Table> tag,<TR> tag, <TD> tag and <TH>tag
<Table>tag: This is the main tag that is used to define a table in
<TR>tag: The table row tag defines a horizontal row of cells.
<TD>tag: The table data specifies an individual block or cells in a
table row.
<TH>tag: The table header indicates that the cell is a header for a
column or a row.
2. What do you understand by list?
Ans: Lists are used to display items in an individual layout on a web
page. They are:
Ordered Lists
Unordered Lists
Definition Lists
3. How many types of List can you create in HTML?
Ans: We can create three types of lists in HTML. They are:
Ordered Lists
Unordered Lists
Definition Lists
4. Differentiate between ordered list and unordered lists.
Ans: The difference between ordered list and unordered lists are as
Ordered List Unordered List
It starts with <OL> and ends
It starts with <UL> and ends with
It is also known as Numbered list It is also known as bulleted List
The default list style type value
for an ordered list is decimal.
The default list style type of an
unordered list is disc.
nope.....I am from Ah******d ☺️
sorry nhi bta Sakti....☺️