Math, asked by mark24, 1 year ago

hey can u tell me about famous designs of leonardo da vinchi

quest2: did u mean photos
mark24: yaa explain photos


Answered by quest2
On display at the Uffizi, Florence 
In this dazzling performance, created when he was about 20 years old, we peer directly into the riches of Leonardo da Vinci’s mind. It has always been in Florence and, even though it was not mentioned by Vasari in the biography of Leonardo he published there in 1550, no one has ever doubted it’s by him. That’s because every detail screams, or rather softly sings, his authorship: the typically soft and dreamy view of mountains in the background, the lovingly detailed trees and flowers, the enigmatically shaded, opulent draperies that cover the legs of Mary and the angel. Most of all, the wings of the angel are are given an astonishing amount of attention, more than any other artist would have. They are the first sign of Leonardo’s fascination with the dream of human flight.

Leonardo left Florence in the early 1480s to become court artist in Milan, and never finished this incredibly ambitious painting. Paradoxically, its sketchy nature reveals some of his defining characteristics as a painter – slowness, intellectualism, hesitance. It also reveals the scope and vastness of his imagination in its images of wondrous broken architecture, horsemen fighting on a distant plain, and the hollow eyes of the Magi who look like they’ve seen too much. We see the real Leonardo here, a thinker, whose use of softly suggestive techniques and intense juxtapositions of the human and natural are ultimately expressions of his dream of capturing the whole of the cosmos in a painting. Funnily enough, this unfinished picture gets him closest to that vision. It seems infinite.

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