English, asked by ItzCreepyNightmares, 4 months ago

Hey Dear Users !

What's the difference between Positive Vibes and Negative Vibes ?

Kindly Try to give answer in your own words!​


Answered by yokeshps2005


Negative energy is more of a mathamatical concept which doesn’t seem to have a real or tangible or measurable reflection in reality.

I'll try to clarify what energy really is to help you get a 'feel' of what energy is before you try to judge it as negative or positive.

Energy in its purest form is just presence of vibration. It is the sustained 'juggle' from electric field to magnetic field and back to electric field and so on. Now this ‘juggle' can happen few times a second or many many times in a second. To measure it, the number of times it happens in a second is called frequency. Multiplying it(frequency) by ‘h'(Planck constant) gives us the 'energy' value of the juggle.

This juggle per second obviously cannot be negative. The 'h' value is said to be a universal constant. So you can't mess with that either.

The more number ‘distinct juggles' at differrent frequencies, the more 'measurable' energy. No juggle no energy. If, some how, this juggle can be stopped , there will be no measuable energy. Again, if you can start this juggle, there will be measurable ‘energy’ in our worldly/humanly sense. If you reduce the number of distinct juggles and restrict it to only a smaller range of frequencies in a confined ‘space' as was done in the 'Casimir effect’ , you can reduce the energy to a value less than commonly found all around in space (also called ground state or Zero-point energy). This lesser energy than ground state energy value is the closest we have got to negative energy.

Now we know that matter is condenced energy or a lot of vibrations/juggles at very high frequencies in very confined space in order of pico or femto or atto metres. So when you 'touch' anything, it is actually vibrating fields interacting with vibrating fields and not particles touching particles. Even if antimatter is converted to energy, there will be nothing 'negative' about it.

When they talk of exotic matter or negative energy which can keep a Wormhole - Wikipedia open, that is like really exotic (or simply speaking - unheard of). May be it should be the kind of mass/matter that will repel other mass and not attract like all the mass we see around us. It should curve spacetime in the opposite kind of way regular mass/matter does. It should create anti-gravity. Now what should that mass be made up of?

This is where the guesswork starts and yours is as good as mine or mine is as good as yours.

Somehow, this juggle or altered juggle between electric and magnetic fields should give a repelling property to the mass created from it. Basically we need to know why energy curves spacetime the way it does and how can it be caused to curve spacetime in an opposite kind of way. That is a very fundamental property of matter and spacetime but I think correct mathematical modelling of energy and fields and its interaction with spacetime and matter can help unravel that.

Answered by npfbd

If someone has good vibes, it means they are creating positive emotion/thought vibrations. When you vibe well with someone it means that you are both creating similar emotion/thought vibrations

vice versa for negative vibes

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