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Suggest ways to edicate people on disaster management like earthquake, lightning, floods?
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- Educate our own elected officials about how the disaster response and recovery system works. They shouldn’t make broad pronouncements about how quickly aid will be delivered and the extent to which people will be made whole. That only sets up people for a huge disappointment in the future, which will quickly lead to anger about broken promises.
- People need to be told about the capabilities of their local emergency responders. Their staffing is based on day-to-day emergencies and not for surge events that will overwhelm the capabilities of existing people and equipment.
- The response speed must be communicated. For regional events, there won’t be any aid coming from traditional sources of mutual aid. Most neighboring jurisdictions will be dealing with the same level of damages and trauma. The National Guard must first mobilize. They as the Guard and as individuals may have been impacted by the same disaster, and that will lessen the availability of personnel and other resources.
- The active-duty military is at least three days out from no-notice events. And depending on where they’re coming from, it might only be an advance party with boots on the ground at 72 hours. Full-force relief efforts could take five to seven days to arrive and be functioning.
- In communities where there’s a threat from hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunamis, we need to tell people to become prepared for a minimum of seven days since relief forces won’t be immediately available. I know many will argue about this last item, saying, “If we can’t get people prepared for three days, how are we going to get them prepared for seven?” I’ll refer you to the title of this column. Saying three days only sets you up for later failure.
- We have a huge task ahead of us in managing the public’s perceptions. I prescribe a huge dose of reality to be taken as needed and, when the opportunity presents itself, to share what is physically possible. Otherwise we are doomed to disappoint.
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