Chemistry, asked by swara15, 1 year ago

Hey! Give me proper definition of 1.Metals
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Hoping for a gud answer from this app can I ?


Answered by deep243
metals are the substances which are electropositive in nature i.e. tendency to loose electrons.
non metals are the substances which are electronegative in nature i.e. tendency to loose electrons.
metalloids are the substances which contain both the physical nd chemical properties of metals nd non-metals.
hope this ans will helps u.
Answered by steeve
Hola Amigo!!

METALS are the elements that donate electrons during any chemical reaction.

Properties of metals

• Lustrous (shiny)

• Hard

• High density (are heavy for their size)

• High tensile strength (resist being stretched)

• High melting and boiling points.

• Good conductors of heat and electricity.

Examples of Metals :-

(i) Sodium ( Na )
(ii) Copper ( Cu )
(iii) Iron ( Fe )
(iv) Silver (Ag )

=> NON - METALS are the elements that recieves electrons during any chemical reaction.

Properties of Non - Metals

• High ionization energies.

• High electronegativities.

• Poor thermal and electrical conductors.

• Brittle solids - not malleable or ductile.

• Little or no metallic luster.

• Dull, not metallic-shiny, although they may be colorful.

Examples of Non - Metals

(i) Chlorine ( Cl )
(ii) Phosphorus ( P )
(iii) Bromine ( Br )
(iv) Sulphur ( S )

A reaction :-

Na+ + C - —————> N aCl

Here Na is the metal and Cl is the non metal
Na loses one electron and become + ve ion and Cl accepts that electron and become - ve ion.

=> MATELLOIDS are the elements that behaves both as a metal and as a non metal i.e., they can loose and accept electrons.

Properties of MATELLOIDS

• Metalloids are all solid at room temperature. 

• dull or shiny

• usually conduct heat and electricity, though not as well as metals.

• often make good semiconductors

• often exist in several forms

• often ductile

• often malleable.

Examples of Metalloids

(i) Silicon ( Si )
(ii) Arsenic ( As)
(iii) Boron ( B )
(iv) Germanium ( Ge )


swara15: hatts off to you ......#Brilliant dear
swara15: lvd it
steeve: ⏩thanks for complement ^_^⏪
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