English, asked by tripti4184, 11 months ago

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don't think this question meaningless.
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Q. Write a report on “Gays(other)
also have right for their life”

(write what u think.)


Answered by Devilshubham


People who defy gender norms have existed in every culture throughout time. However, the term “Gays” is relatively new, dating to the mid-1990s. Often, gays people are not well understood by the general population. It is useful to think of the word “Gays” as an umbrella term that encompasses a number of people who live substantial portions of their lives expressing an innate sense of gender other than their sex assigned at birth. This includes transsexuals, cross-dressers and people who feel like their biological sex fails to reflect their true gender. People who do not identify as Gays can be called “cisgender,” meaning that they identify with the sex assigned at birth.

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