Sociology, asked by LordSurya2005, 4 months ago

Hey guys , I don't believe in gods ! If Anyone believes , then please tell me some interesting stories of god!
If you tell me some story I will follow you !


Answered by taniskakhushi55

Here's a story that may interest you:

Once Lord Krishna and Arjuna were walking and decided to sit and take rest in the forest. It was about this time when they heard a few of the villagers shouting loudly “Chor! Chor!”.

A young boy came running and Arjuna caught him. Arjuna asked those villagers what the matter was, to which the villagers replied and said that the boy had stolen some fruits from the field and was running away. Krishna then asked the boy his reason for theft to which the boy said that he was poor and had nothing to eat.

Krishna then told the villagers that let the boy have the fruit but he will make up to you for his mistake by working in your field for a month. The boy was surprised. He asked Lord Krishna that for a couple of fruits he was punishing him for a month. To this Lord Krishna said that instead of one month, you will now work for six months to make up for your mistake/crime.

After everyone left, a confused Arjuna asked Krishna what was the reason behind punishing the boy so severely. Lord Krishna then narrated a story to Arjuna.

There was a brahmin once who was very poor and had no money to support his family. However, he got to know that there lived a King in the neighbourhood kingdom who was very kind and helped the needy with money. The brahmin made the decision to go to the King and ask for some help.

The King was not only kind but also smart. To make sure that no one cheats him and he actually helps only the needy, he had planned a test on each of his four entrances to the palace. The Brahmin reached the kingdom and was told by the guards that he will have to pass the king's test on each door and only then will he be able to meet the King. The brahmin had nothing to lose, so he eventually agreed.

Upon reaching the first door, the Brahmin found a beautiful courtesan. She told him that to pass through that door, he will have to engage with her in a sexual intercourse. The Brahmin knew this was a sin to cheat his family and have an intercourse with any woman after marriage. He rejected the first door and went to the second door.

At the second door, he had to eat meat to enter through this door. This was again a sin and the Brahmin, realising that it will be a sin decided to move onto the next door wherein he had to drink madira in order to pass through the third door. This was again a sin and he left this door and decided to head to the last door for trying.

At the fourth door, he had to gamble for the entrance through that door. This was again a sin according to his beliefs.

The Brahmin stood confused. He realised that he had to commit sins at any of the doors to be able to get to the King for help. So he was in two minds, first being to leave helplessly, the other being to commit a sin for his own personal greater good. Thinking about his helpless condition, he chose the second option and decided to enter through the fourth door by engaging himself into a game of gamble. He chose to gamble as he felt that it was a smaller sin as compared to the one's at the other doors.

At the game, he put his 1 coin in and started gambling. To his suprise, he earned 2 coins at the end of first round and decided to go all in again. Like this he kept winning and had 1000 coins by the end of the day. By this time, he had forgotten that he wanted to go to the King. He was now a wealthy man with 1000 coins and he decided to head back to his family.

On his way he was very hungry and thirsty and all the shops were closed by evening. So he now decided that since he has already committed one sin, there's no problem in committing another. He said to himself “After all I am the one who clears other's of their sins, so I will also eventually clear myself of mine!”.

So he went to the second and third doors to eat meat and drink. At these doors he lost half of the wealth he earned in gambling. Now he was drunk and decided to go to the first door and engage in a sexual intercourse with the beautiful courtesan. Here, he lost all his wealth and had to leave at night and find some shelter outside the palace doors since he could not sleep at the courtesan's place.

The next morning he came back and the told the guards that he accepts all the challenges/tests at any doors to enter. But now, all the challenges/tests were changed for the day and he could not get through to the King.

Once again he was a poor man who could not support his family but today, he was no longer the same pure Brahmin who could attain moksha, but a man with sins on his head to make upto in his karmic cycle.

Answered by Anonymous


Hey how are you.... Hope everything is going well.... Have a great... Stay safe stay happy

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