hey guys❤❤..
why do we dream ..❓❓
spammer get lost ....✌✌
Theories about why we dream include those that suggest dreaming is a means by which the brain processes emotions, stimuli, memories, and information that's been absorbed throughout the waking day. According to research, a significant percentage of the people who appear in dreams are known to the dreamer.
Q. What is Dream ?
➻ When we desperately want something or need it , they often comes as Dream. Whether we Achieved or Have to Achieve they comes as Fantasy in our Dreams when we are Sleeping.
Dreams are stories , pictures and fantasies which our Mind Creates when we are Sleeping. ✨
Q. Why do we Dream ?
➻ There are Many Concepts regarding why do we Dream :
• Dreams come to represent Unconscious/Unachieved Desires, Wishes and Feelings.
• To recall information and all those Remembering Memories which we go through all the Day.
• We Can Solve many Problems in Dream which we can't do in Real Life.
• We See at least 4 to 6 Dreams every night. But we Forgot around 95% of Dreams.
• Blind Person Can't see Dreams they Just Imagine Dreams.