hey guys ❤❤
why does a bicycle stay upright ..❓❓
explain .....✌✌
spammer get lost .....✌✌
I could ask this on the physics site however I am hoping for a relatively simple answer. I took an introductory class in physics in University so basic physics is appreciated but nothing too gnarly.
I think that it is not the spinning mass of the wheel that is keeping the bike upright. I read a study recently stating that if you have a wheel with identical mass spinning backwards beside the bike the bike will not lose stability. (I am not sure where I read the study).
Bicycles are stable because of the gyroscopic effect of the spinning front wheel or because the front wheel "trails" behind the steering axis, or both.
If you try to tilt the axis of a gyroscope in one direction, it will turn in a different direction. When a bike leans, the gyroscopic effect tends to steer the handlebars in the direction of the lean, bringing the wheels back under the bicycle and helping to keep it upright.
#Hope it helps ^^ ♡