Hey guys write a paragraph on PEN. 200+ words
heya mate...
please see given attachment.
Hope this will help you..

Here is a autobiography on PEN.
I'm of several types, colour and shape. You usually use me at school and offices etc. I'm used for writing something. Guess what I am, yes I'm a pen. And today I'm going to tell you a incident happened with me 2 months before.
I was of octane company, I was of gel blue colour. Octane was very popular that time. I was bought by a girl who was very rude. She bought me and took me next day to school. She used me for 1 month, but my ink was still left. Shannon told her dad to buy a new pen,
but her mom said not to waste my ink.
She threwed me in the school dustbin,
and told her mom that me (pen) has stopped working and my ink is finished.
Next day I was throwned in the dumping yard. I felt very bad but after some times a poor boy came and looked at my ink.
My ink was half, he tooked me at his home and use me every day.
I'm so happy now and loved my new owner. I wish every pen should get a kind and caring owner. And here I end my this incident. Hope you like it...
Please mark it as a Brainlist answer.... plz..