English, asked by taibakhatoon53, 9 months ago

HeY Mate ⤵️⤵️✌️✌️

Write the short summary of Nelson Mandela Long walk to freedom.

class ➡️10th

book. = first flight!

write ✍️in our own words

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Answered by rupinderkaur105




“When a man is denied the right to live the life he believes in, he has no choice but to become an outlaw.” Throughout history, we 've been faced with both oppression and anarchy. When oppression is forced upon society, your taking away not only their freedom, but ability to live life to the fullest and truly be happy (Sabino). On the other hand, many argue that an anarchy equals chaos, although, history proves otherwise. We 've seen stateless societies function without a leader,corrupt governments take advantage of their people, and philosophers from the Renaissance Era develop supporting theories on humans in a state of nature.Somalia is considered a perfect example of how corrupt and oppressive governments lead to anarchy. Somalia gained its independence in 1960 and inherited a socialist leader named Mohamed Siad Barre. His policies mimicked what you 'd typically see in Sub-Saharan African countries. They were considered corrupt and damaging to the country, so he was thrown out of office in 1991. When Somalia was stateless, from 1991-2006, international trade flourished, peace was widespread, and development advanced. Without a leader, life expectancy rose, infant mortality rate decreased by twenty-four percent, access to sanitation greatly increased, extreme poverty plummeted, and the country advanced significantly technology wise. In addition, there were dramatic health improvements. For example, more people were gaining access to health care facilities, which lead to higher immunization rates. Even though Somalia is no longer stateless and still extremely poor, these statistics show how the country changed drastically without a leader (Leeson).



Answered by Rishail



Nelson Mandela was an anti-apartheid activist who later became the president of South Africa. Apartheid is the system in the people are separated and discriminated on the basis of race, colour, and caste. Apartheid was legalised by the white people who used it as a tool of colonial imperialism.

Now, let us see the main highlights and attractions of the lesson “Long Walk to Freedom”:In the first paragraph of the lesson, Nelson Mandela says that it was 10th May. The sun was bright and clear. It was a great occasion because the world leaders and famous dignitaries from all over the world were assembling for the inauguration of South Africa’s first democratic none-racial government on the soil of South Africa.

The auspicious ceremonies took place in the lovely sandstone amphitheatre. The amphitheatre was formed by Union Buildings in Pretoria. Earlier, it was the site where the white people dominated for a long time. Now the people from all the races, colours and sorts were gathering to launch South Africa’s democratic government.

In the next paragraph of Long Walk to Freedom, Nelson Mandela says that it was a lovely autumn day. By autumn day, perhaps he means to say that like in autumn the trees shed all their previous leaves and pave the way for new leaves.

Similarly in South Africa all the previous long lasted discrimination and oppression, that was there existing on the basis of race and colour, was over and a new government was formed which was free from all discrimination and deprivation.

Mandela also mentions that he was accompanied by his daughter Zenani.

On the podium, firstly, Mr de Klerk took oath as the second deputy then Thabo Mbeki was sworn in as the first deputy president. Finally, it was the turn of Nelson Mandela to be sworn as the first President of South Africa. On the stage, Nelson Mandela pledged to obey and uphold the constitution and work with dedication for the betterment of the Republic and its people.

The main points he said to the outstanding guests who had gathered there and the world are given as follows:


➡ That all the people by their presence bestow glory and hope to the newborn democracy. He further said that out of an extraordinary human disaster should be born an ideal society of which all mankind would be proud of. By ” an extraordinary human disaster” he means the oppressed society in which one race( the Blacks) was discriminated and tortured by other race( the Whites).

➡ Mandela added that they were considered as outlaws not too much time before but now they were given rare privilege to be host to all the nations of the world on their beautiful earth. He thanked all the galaxy of international guests for joining with the people of South Africa. He told them that it was a common victory for justice, for peace and for human dignity.

➡ Mandela proceeded that they have achieved political freedom. Now it was the time to pledge themselves to free people from the existing bondage of poverty, suffering, deprivation, gender and other discrimination. Moreover, they must never make it happen that the wonderful land of South Africa would experience the oppression of one race by the other. The sun should never set on the glorious a human achievement.

A glorious human achievement means the emancipation that they achieved after a long lasted struggle and sacrifice. Let South Africa to be ruled by freedom.

In the next paragraph, Mandel writes that after a few moments of his speech, there was the roar of South African jets, helicopters and troop carriers which flew over the Union Buildings in the perfect arrangement. On seeing the spectacular view all the people that were present on the occasion lifted their eyes in great respect.

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