Hey Mates!!!!!
What is Spores Fermentation? Give example to support your answer.
Here are some examples for you regarding spore bearing plants\fungi. Ferns, Liverwarts, Mosses, Gymnosperms, and Horsetail. ... Gymnosperms, like all vascular plants, have a sporophyte-dominant life cycle. The gametophyte (gamete-bearingphase) is relatively short-lived.
Spores produced in solid state fermentations differ distinctly from those obtained in submerged liquid fermentations. Fungal spores used as biocontrol agents are produced preferentially in solid state fermentations because the spores obtained are of higher quality; meaning specifically that they are more resistant to desiccation and are more stable in a dry commercial preparation, though they also display morphological, functional and biochemical differences compared to those produced in submerged cultures (Feng, Liu & Tzeng, 2000; Hölker, Höfer & Lenz, 2004). The best yields of spores are produced by a combination of submerged liquid fermentations (for biomass production in a first ‘seed’ step) and solid state fermentation (for subsequent spore production).
Bacteria ( Rhizopus )
Fungi ( Bacillus )
Algae ( Mostly Green )
#answerwithquality #BAL